Wednesday, April 23, 2008 @11:37 PM
DID YOU KNOW? Guy Fawkes, one of the coolest guys in history, was born on the same day I was?
Guy is famous for being involved in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. He was probably placed in charge of executing the plot because of his military and explosives experience. The plot itself was to kill King James I by blowing up the House Of Lords during the opening of Parliament...which didn't end well for him. In the end, after being caught and tortured, he was to be hanged, then drawn and quartered. He wasn't too keen on that idea so he jumped from the scaffold and broke his neck, essentially dying by his own hand.
So, in the land of rain and tea, there is a yearly celebration on November 5th in honor, or as a warning depending on who you ask, with Guy Fawkes masks and effigies.
If you've seen V For Vendetta, i'm sure you've seen the masks before, they look a bit like this:
There's Your History Lesson For Today.
Labels: Archives, Dead Folks, History
@11:11 PM
GIRLYLANDI'm a girls girl, I dig makeup, Dresses, shit like that. It's my thing, I do what I wanna do.* As such I dig womanly women...not to say that the girls who embrace androgyny aren't just as much a woman as I am....just a different kind of woman.
This is the kind of girl I'd like to be: Not with the white skin, because chocolate is golden, but look at how "womanly" that bitch is!!! Also, her body is carved the fuck up, she's fierce. I want to be curvy like her, I mean, her waist was 18' and that's a little extreme, but a body that's sha[ed like that would be ideal.
I've always drawn inspiration from pictures of women from the 50's and 60's, especially as young woman who's not interested in being a stick figure, and also because in those days bitches seemed to always be beat..and i'm a beat chick.
* I listen to the Isley Brothers, perhaps too much.
Labels: Archives, Instant Vintage